
Happy Easter week!!!!!!! What a fantastic time to celebrate our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and all He has done for us! 

Jesus, the long-awaited Messiah, has come and entered the city!! Hundreds of people crowd the street to see this man who has been the town’s talk for the past three years! You stand on the edge of the road, and people begin to lay down palm branches and robes to prepare the way for Him. You hear all the people around you shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD! The King of Israel!” Jesus hasn’t come how you expected; you expected Him to come riding in on a white horse. However, He has come riding on a lowly donkey, a picture of grace and humility. 

At our care point, we have a short time to share a message from the word of God every day! The other day, we shared about the triumphal entry of Jesus!! And then afterward, we had them act it out and be the people in Jerusalem. Seeing all the kids shouting and praising the Lord as we acted it out was so fun. Although it was super chaotic and wild, it was a lovely picture of the kingdom of God!! The gospel and the events that occurred 2,000 years ago still have an everyday application! 

God is working and moving in the lives of these children, and it’s been so sweet to witness it! Many don’t have parents or a safe home life, so getting to love them and being a safe, fun place for them has been incredible. They are all so grateful for the little they have been given and quickly rejoice in everything. 

We plan to provide a different meal one day for the kids at our care point as a fun celebration. We would love to bless the Tembehni care point and love all of the Lord’s little children. If you would be interested in sowing into this ministry opportunity, you can Venmo me at emilyknollenberg

Thank you for your continued support through prayer. You have no idea the impact it has made! Pray that the children’s hearts will be opened to the love of Christ. And as we near the end of the race, pray that we will finish with endurance and continue to love the people around us. Pray that we would grow in even greater unity and preach the gospel boldly.

I miss you all so much, and I’m praying for you all. I pray that you will experience the depths of the Father’s love for you more this week, and may you always walk in the light of His resurrection because He rises!!!! Please let me know if I can see any. I will pray for you, and I pray you are encouraged by all the Lord is doing here in Eswatini. 


Lord, I pray that you will continue to show us what it looks like to follow and praise you with our lives! Thank you for coming into our city and leading us in grace and humility! We love you and pray all of this in Jesus’ name, amen.