all things new

One evening in the small town of Bethlehem, a baby’s cry ripped through the silence of the prophets and pierced through the heart of humanity. The babe that lay in that manger was the one who created the air He breathed. It is mind-boggling to consider that the God who created the heavens and...

my story

Hello!  I am so glad that you decided to stop by! If you are reading this, you are probably interested in learning a little more about me!  My name is Emily Knollenberg, and I am a senior at Porter High School! I love sports, calligraphy, painting, photography, smiling, and, of course, JESUS! There are...


slow down The average human has 70,000 thoughts per day! That’s approximately 50 thoughts per minute. Our brains are constantly spinning in every direction, a mile a minute, trying to figure out our next move. The world tells us we must act fast, hurry up and get a move on. This mindset of a...