Bible Translation – Life Transformation

God has written the most extraordinary love story ever about His pursuit of mankind, compiled together in the Bible! It is a story meant to be told to all people across the earth! Yet some don’t have it in their heart language. My eyes have recently been opened to this reality and the need for Bible translation globally.

Accelerating Bible translation  

This past summer, I had the opportunity to intern with an organization called Seed Company. Seed Company is a Wycliffe-affiliated ministry that works to accelerate Bible translation worldwide. If you’re anything like me, before this internship, I did not know that there are over 7,000 languages in the world, and over 1,000 of those languages do not have a single verse of Scripture in their language. 

Seed Company, along with 11 different Bible translation organizations, have all partnered together with the vision to see every language have access to the New Testament by the year 2033! Now, that is a pretty lofty goal, considering how many languages are still left. BUT GOD! But God is more than able, and when His people gather together and pray and seek His face, He will hear the cries of His children (2 Chronicles 7:14)!

To learn more about Seed Company, click here

The next generation

I was the prayer ministries intern. Now, you might be wondering, what does a prayer ministries intern do? Pray? Yes, we did a lot of praying, and I was also able to help come up with ways to engage and equip the next generation to pray for the work of Bible translation. Pray for Zero is a prayer movement started by Seed Company, praying that there would be ZERO people without the word of God in their language! 

To learn more about Pray For Zero, click here

This summer, I created a three-part video series to share the importance of the Word of God, raise awareness of the need for Bible translation worldwide, and show how this generation can partner with this work through prayer! That series should be released soon, and when it is, I’ll share it with you all!! With the creation of this video, I got to interview a few young adults from Indonesia and hear their stories of being transformed by having the word of God in their heart language! If you’d like to learn more about GenZERO, I have also written a blog on the Pray For Zero website! You can check it out here

I was extremely grateful to work alongside many incredible people this summer!

Learning to abide  

I learned a lot about how Bible translations work and about the needs around the world (if you’re interested in learning more, check out this video)! As well as getting to see the behind-the-scenes operations of a non-profit organization and learn about good organizational leadership! I saw firsthand the power of the people of God coming together to pray! 

Most importantly, I learned that we must abide in the Lord for everything, for apart from Him, we can do nothing. He desires to walk with us through every moment of every day, and He is the one who will give us the strength to do what He has called us to do! I grew in love with the Word of God and am beyond grateful to have a copy of it in a language I can understand. God has written the most incredible story known to man and Has invited each of us to be apart of it!

What’s next? 

Now, where does that leave us? One thing that the founder of Seed Company would ask the Lord is, “What’s for today?” So that’s the plan: walk with Him and take the next step. I’m excited and expectant for what the Lord is doing and will continue to do worldwide to bring life transformation to people from every nation, tribe, and tongue.

Now to Him who is able to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery kept secret since the world began but now made manifest, and by the prophetic Scriptures made known to all nations, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, for obedience to the faith— to God, alone wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever. Amen. Romans 16:25-17

Shalom friends!